Ectopic Pregnancy


First time mum to be. Was so excited to learn that my partner and I become pregnant.

I was about 7wks pregnant and on valentines day arvo had a really bad piercing pain in my lower abdomen and down my right side of my thigh. I took a panamax and it got better. Went to the bathroom and there was a little bit of blood that come out. I was worried but didn’t wanna think the worst. The following morning i made a dr’s appointment and explained the pain etc. at this stage I hadn’t had a ultrasound done yet.

My dr sent me straight to get a ultrasound. My partner come with me. The lady doing the ultrasound had a bit of trouble trying to find bub so decided to do a internal ultrasound to see better. I was looking at the screen waiting to see bub pop up but nothing was there. She told us that she is very sorry but the bub is stuck either in my fallopian tube or ovary and i needed to go straight to hospital for a emergency surgery, as the longer i leave it the more of a risk it was to bust and bleed out. I cried my eyes out and thought how could this happen to me. I was so excited that i was pregnant but now my health was in huge danger.

Went to the hospital at 4.30pm in pain and waited to see the dr’s. They explained what was going on and said that there were two options of what they could do. 1: the bub was stuck in the fallopian tube and they have to cut the tube out and the sac or 2: stuck in my ovary and cut my ovary out and the sac. But either way bub wasn’t going to make it.

I was scared and worried as i was 7 1/2 wks and bubs heart beat was beating at 156 perfectly normal and alive.

They stuck me up in the maternity ward which got me and my partner very upset as here i am about to loose my baby while all these other parents are holding theres.

1.30am the following morning they took me up to theatre. I woke up around 6pm to a screaming new born baby and i cried. The nurse come in and comforted me and my partner soon come up and held my hand. The nurse told us that they had to cut out my fallopian tube and the sac and i was going to be ok.

Later the dr come in and explained it was good in a way that it was in my tube and not my ovary as i have my other fallopian tube and two ovaries in good condition and soon to be running normal. Although i have a 15% more chance of this happening again when i decide to try again. If i fall pregnant and it happens again my only option is <a href="">ivf</a> and my tubes will no longer be there. It was very hard to hear this and the only thing going through my mind was knowing my luck it would happen again. My partner was very supportive and kept saying to me stay positive everything will be ok.

The next hardest thing i had to do was tell our parents as they did not know we were pregnant as we were waiting for at least the 8wk mark.

I don’t wish this upon anyone.