Missed Miscarriage

Kelly • TTC after MC

I’ve recently experienced my first miscarriage on my first pregnancy. From the beginning I was nervous because the doctor was never able to see what he wanted to see when he did an ultrasound. I went in at 8 weeks and they said I was measuring at 6weeks 5 days and told me to come back in 2 weeks to see if we would see anything. 2 long weeks went by and he still didn’t see what he wanted. The doctor had me go get a more “high tec” ultrasound and drew blood to check my HCG levels. They came back in the 100,000 which meant REALLY pregnant but when I went to the ultrasound they said I had a missed miscarriage. My body still thought I was pregnant even though I really wasn’t. I would have been 10 weeks. It’s been a week since I had an MVA and I’m just ready to move on and start TTC. My doctor said we can start TTC right away and don’t have to wait for a period. It’s just so hard. I want to be pregnant still so bad. Crying/tears comes in waves.