Did the suspense kill you when you wanted to know what you were having?

UPDATE: I’ve been seeing things about symptoms. So here are my symptoms compared to both my first 2 pregnancies.

Last pregnancies:

- Constant nausea and vomiting for 5-6 months straight

- acne cleared up and went away

- occasional headache maybe?

- belly didn’t show until about end of 4th month

- no heartburn or acid reflux whatsoever

- hair was still easy to maintain

- no super bad mood swings

This pregnancy:

- nausea comes and goes, but I’ve only vomited 2-3 days in the past 3 months.

- acne flare ups all of the time

- constant headaches and migraines

- I am 13 weeks and I look like I’m 7-8 months pregnant already for some reason

- heartburn all of the time and constant acid reflux

- my hair is super frizzy, brittle and gets tangled super easily

- have really bad mood swings, even had a few anxiety attacks in the past 3 months

I have 2 girls already (8 and 6 years). I decided to give up for a while on kids because I want a boy so I thought to wait a while. Well almost 7 years later I get pregnant again. This pregnancy is completely different than my last two. I’m hoping that since it’s going different that it will be a bouncing baby boy in there. But I won’t know until April.😩The suspense is killing me. I’m so anxious about it. Did it bother you to have to wait for what seemed so long to find out what the sex of your baby was?