help - constantly feeding

Mystic_Gemini • single mother by choice to an amazing little boy - 12/22/17

My son is 8 weeks old. He’s been almost exclusively breastfed. I did have to supplement with formula (a few ounces a day) early on, but that ended about 3 weeks ago. Now I only give him 1-2 oz of formula in his one bottle a day if I can’t get anything from pumping.

My problem is that he nurses all the time. He wants to eat every 1-2 hours and takes 45minutes or longer to finish. Sometimes he goes for 2 hours or longer. I know he might just be nursing for comfort but I’m afraid my body has just developed a slow and steady production. When I do get a chance to pump I only get about an oz. I’m managing right now but this isn’t going to fly when I go back to work in amonth and he’s in daycare.

Any suggestions on how to space out feedings or make sessions shorter? Or do I just have to live with this?

Thanks in advance.