Is this verbal abuse?

My partner and I have been married together for 1year and 3 months. Since last December we have been getting in fights over little stupid things like snapchat, groceries, what to wear to a fancy event. It seems like it happens once a month. Our fight get big where we are yelling at each other. I try to keep calm but I just so emotional and upset that I explode, but I never use fowl language toward him. I never cuss. He on the other hand, does and he can say some hurtful things such as, dumb fuck, stupid shit, and so on. I've known him for a while before we got married and I know he has a temper. Most people don't mean what they say when their angry and he always apologize for it each time. We always make up and everything is fine again even great again! It's like it never happened. We're loving towards each other, laugh, have fun, go out. But I'm tired of getting in these fights. Im lost in the sauce. Not sure what to do. My family thinks it verbal abuse. I think they are being biased and just taking my side because I'm their daughter. Any advice?? Please help!