Pregnant but scared

My SO of 3 years and I have been happily childfree and planned to stay that way. We've discussed what would happen if in the 1 in a million chance I did get pregnant and it was mutual that an abortion would be the best solution for us....
We had a condom break and I've been off the pill due to issues with it and lack of insurance. I wasn't worried about it but took an ovulation test to be sure. I was ovulating, I told him I wasn't because I didn't want him to freak out any more than he already was. 
It's now been 7/8DPO and I've been spotting brown, dizzy, nauseous, stretching sensation in my uterus, indigestion, back ache, random things make me queasy, a hey boobs, I have it all. So I POAS and got a squint worthy positive.
I see a dr this week to confirm.
I'm scared out of my mind.
I feel my body change and I realize that I don't want to terminate. 
He is going to leave me and I'm going to have to move back home to have help raising a kid on my own, I refuse to put it up for adoption because I don't want my baby to think it wasn't loved or wanted, I couldn't live with myself if I gave my kid up and it got screwed up because the people I adopted it out to ended up being psychos and perverts. I'm so friggen scared.
I don't know how I'm going to tell him, I know he's going to do everything he can to get me to have an abortion.