Please please help


I have had positive tests last week on Saturday, Sunday and then went to the doctors on Monday they did a urine test on me that had come up negative then they went on to do a blood test which came up as I have 1 count of HCG in my system and they have said that I'm not pregnant, my tests was very faint. He said it could possibly be an early miscarriage, just out of curiosity I did another couple of tests last night and today and they are coming up again positive but stronger lines than they have been before.

Really frustrated now😩 just need to know what's going on in my body they say I'm not but now I'm still getting positives.

So my questions are;

If I had a early miscarriage and my HCG levels are at 1 at the doctors they why would I be getting positive tests 6 days later?

Can the doctors be wrong?

Surely if my levels where at 1 and I had a miscarriage they wouldn't go back up? They would go down?

Please any advice is welcome I am so confused!

Thanks for any help x