Baby shower 💕🤰🏻

Cora • Mom of three💖💖💙 | Licensed Hairdresser🖤

We had our baby shower today💕

If I learned anything, it’s that people will buy things that are listed on your registry but sometimes they have to go from another angle if they can’t find it in store or online.

I was panicking so much because I had a lot of stuff requested but every time I looked on my registry, half of what I needed wasn’t marked as purchased.

A big thing I worried about was bottles. I wanted this Dr Browns bottle set that included the bottle warmer, pacifiers, bottle cleaner, etc., and it never showed up as purchased from my registry. I didn’t know what to do because we plan on specifically using those to feed our baby and I was worried she wouldn’t be able to eat. I know I can just buy them myself but it was a lot easier having a registry open for people to kindly go from.

We ended up getting the bottle set, PLUS two other boxes of bottles that were pink! So I really don’t know how many bottles she has now, but she’s set for life😂

I honestly didn’t expect to have the shower that I did. My aunt planned it but I was in the dark the entire time and was panicking because it’s our first child and I wanted the experience everyone else around me seemed to have.

Here are just some of my favorite items we received:

-the pink elephant crib set I was dying over (😂)

-a matching swing and pack-n-play (with a built in bassinet)

-a little bouncer (totally surprised over that one)

-bottles (a ton of them)

-an unholy amount of diapers and wipes

-a baby carrier for you to wear

-a fancy baby monitor that my boyfriend was super excited to get 😂

And a very special gift was from my grandma. It was a little three piece elephant collection that she bought when she first got married from Austria 🤭❤️ she’s had it for over 10 years and never knew where it would end up, but our daughter was gifted it 😩😭❤️

Now I have to force myself to be productive and sort through all this, but it gives me something to do😂🤷🏻‍♀️💕