Baby daddy being petty and hurtful?

So about 3 weeks ago my ex left in the middle of the night, things were good between us but he left with no explanation while i was asleep and hasn’t spoken to me since. We have a 10 month old son together too. Well he’s done this before about 5 months ago he left for a while and came back again and i got a court order that he only sees our son every other weekend, Saturday and Sunday 12pm-7pm.

Since he’s left, he will not speak to me at all. Even if its about our son I’m usually ignored or I’ll call and he’ll just answer like “what do you want”.

Well he had our son today, i offered to pick him up so he didn’t have to get back out. When i got to his house i called him and asked him when he was bringing him out because he ignored my previous text, and he yelled at me saying he’ll bring him out in a minute and to not talk to him and hung up in my face. Well he brings him out and i asked him to not talk to me this way and he ignored me and didn’t close the car door. When i asked him to close it because i was in the car and i just figured normal people close car doors after they open it and he said “you do it”. I just felt like that was weird and petty.

After i got home i was trying to text him saying it’s not okay to treat me this way and how i can’t even talk to him about our baby and how i felt it was wrong to treat someone you wanted to have a baby with this way is wrong and all he said was “k”. Then i was like “whatever, anyways i haven’t gotten any child support yet hes $1600 behind. When i was explaining to him that he has to mail the money to the child support office all he said is “bye” so i was like seriously , then he texted me again and was like “I’m glad i left you” and “i know you always think about me but damn leave me alone you’re annoying me”.

Another thing is I’ve asked him a few weeks ago to not contact me unless about our son just because i was really hurt after he left, and he always does. He blocked me on fb but unblocked me, then texted me saying “ you better not let any guys around him” and i was like what guys? And he said “oh I’m sure you’re talking to other guys already your friend said you had a new man” like why does it even matter.

Hes also told me I’m petty for putting him on child support, only doing it for myself, he told me I’m keeping him from our son when I’m only following the court ordered agreement signed by a judge and he calls me petty and says he’s gonna take me to court then he claimed that he didn’t know what he was signing....

I don’t know why he’s treating me this way or being so petty. I did everything for him, i cleaned up after him, he got away with so much stuff that he did to me and has said so many awful things and lied and betrayed me many times too. I always tried talking to him and loving him and cuddling with him and he would say he loved me but i don’t think he ever did if he can act this way to me. He promised the night he left before i fell asleep that he’d try harder and wouldn’t leave me. He knew i was scared he’d leave because he’s done this before too, and he promised he wouldn’t leave then he left. He knows i love him and I’m hurt and depressed and i has a heart problem yet he can say stuff like this and do this to me knowing it hurts me and i already have post partum depression and anxiety as it is.

I don’t know what to do, i don’t want to live my life like this. I don’t know why I’m sad over him and i keep beating myself up over the fact that i wasn’t good enough,