
My husband and I are doing

<a href="">IVF</a>

right now and we are both a little stressed (it’s to be expected) anyway the yesterday we had an argument about how he thinks that I’m not communicating as much as he thinks I should but I have literally been telling him word for word what the dr appointments have been. (He’s unable to come to the small appointments due to work and I’m perfectly fine with that cuz the appointments take like 5 minutes). Anyway I went to work the next day and vented to my coworkers/friends (really my ONLY friends) and my one coworker is a single mom in her mid-late 20s. Well she got mad at his responses too, which was kinda what I needed (someone on my side. I’m not in the wrong). Well tonight we were both calm and somehow the conversation got brought up again. I was like, ok we are adults, we can have a discussion. And we did! It was great. We both got our feelings out and talked about a way to resolve this conflict, and then we BOTH compromised. I was happy, he was happy, and we were both on the same page again. Well I told my friends that we had worked it out. The single mom asked further details and i explained what we did and she got upset that I didn’t stand my ground! I told her that I did and he understood and we found a way to come together. She did not accept this and continued to tell me that this was the reason she’s not in a relationship and blah blah blah. I calmly proceeded to tell her that this is how a marriage works. You have to give a little, you have to compromise. Anyway she was still mad at how I handled it. I tried to let it go cuz really what does she know? She’s not married and she doesn’t really understand. But then she’s still not herself and not really talking to me and it just upset me more!!

I feel like if I were to give her directions on how to raise her child even though I don’t have any children would be rude but she can be mad at me for not taking her advice which could possibly put a wrench in my marriage? That’s not really fair to me. She’s not married nor is she in any type of relationship yet she’s trying to tell me how to do my marriage.