Help/advice. Am I going crazy? 😭😭


It’s been just over a week since I had a scan at 11 weeks 2 days and found out my baby had stopped growing at around 7 weeks and had gone.

Since then the bleeding has started and the cramps. I honestly thought I had passed the sac and I could start to move on. Instead at an ultrasound yesterday we found out everything is the same? How can that be? I was convinced we were coming out the other side of this.

This has made everything even more fresh for me and I couldn’t sleep last night for crying. My partner has been amazing but last night told me I am putting too much pressure on him by only talking to him about it (hence this post).

I don’t know what to do. The nurses have given me the option to choose to continue natural misscarriage or get medical or surgical intervention tomorrow. I just can’t make that decision. As much as I want this over I’m scared medical intervention will make me bleed heavily and the pain I’ll be in and surgical intervention scares me in case it affects future pregnancies.

Also my friends have proven to be absolute shit. No other words to describe. One unlikely friend has been there for me throughout and I’m so grateful but the ones I thought would be there have not spoken to me since we found out and one hasn’t even spoken to me then. I’m so angry at them for not being supportive as I know I would be there for them. I know that people don’t know what to say when this happens but a simple checking in to make sure I’m okay surely isn’t too much to ask?

Please someone give me some advice or just general help! Feel like I’m going crazy.

I’m currently off work and have been since we found out last week. My sick note runs out next Friday. I feel like not doing anything or having anything to keep my mind off things isn’t helping 😔