Idk what to do.

My boyfriend really really wants me to have an abortion. We already have a 15 month old daughter. We’re in our third year of college and it’s hard enough with one kid. We also have been living with his parents who have said MANY times if we ever got pregnant again we’d have to move out. We live in California where rent for a 2 bedroom apartment is $2,000+ a month. There’s no way we can afford that with minimum wage jobs and two kids. Logically I know for the good of our daughter and our future I should have an abortion. I’m only barely 4 weeks, it’s not a baby yet, and it would be easy and quick.

But I want to keep it I think, even though I truly don’t know if we could make it work or even stay together. Our relationship has been going downhill for a while and this will probably make it worse if I keep it and he doesn’t want it. How do we afford it how do we keep going to school. What if he is detached the entire time. Idk what to do someone please help me