Relationship help


I've been sick with a really nasty cold that turned into really bad congestion in my head and ears. I've been irritable and super tired but I still have to go to my classes. I was running late for my 2 pm class when my boyfriend called wanting to talk. I told him I didn't have the time right now and that I was late for class. He said "fine whatever, call me when you can." That class is from 2pm-4pm and my next class is from 5pm-9pm I only have an hour to get food eat it and get to my next class. 9pm rolls around I'm heading home from class I'm tired, my head hurts, and I just want to shower and go to bed. I send my boyfriend a text letting him know how I'm feeling along with a cute bitemoji saying I Love You. His response is "thanks for the call I asked for" I was too tired to respond. Fast forward to this morning. I called him to talk while I walked to work he was all upset and was angry I didn't call him. Saying "It takes two mins to call me and tell me you are going to bed". I told him I sent a text and that I wasn't interested in talking on the phone because my head hurt. He then hung up on me.

I feel like he's being overly dramatic and in a way trying to make me feel bad. I need to know I am not crazy and that my text should have been enough. I'm really frustrated with his attitude.