

DH and I started to miscarry our first one one year ago almost exactly to the day. Through lots of tests, a PCOS diagnosis, and 4 rounds of Clomid.....

I was traveling for work this week and took a test yesterday morning (12 DPO, 4 days before AF comes...I have 30 day cycles), it had a vvvvvvvfl, and I wasn't convinced that it was real....assumed it was an evap. Holy cow, this is just what my heart needed!!!! Baby Mitchell, you are so loved!!!!! *Update* My DH came home from work a little earlier than expected, thank goodness I had everything set up, but I also got to tell him earlier this way!!

I have only seen him tear up once before on our wedding day, but it happened again this time as he was reading the card. To say we are 'over the moon excited' is the understatement of the year!!!!!