My Birth Story 💕


So I was due 7/2/18 with our little girl. Just after midnight on my due date, whilst walking to the toilet my waters broke (all over our landing carpet 😂). Spoke to labour at the hospital and they said I could go in or leave it a few more hours. Over the next hour my contractions increased and got worse so we made our way in. Got there and they advised I could be induced, or wait to see the progression over next few hours. By this point I was just keen to get my little girl here so off for induction I went! Spent the night waiting for a room on delivery suite whilst still managing through contractions. Come morning I was moved to DS and started with the hormone gel (unbelievably uncomfortable to administer), was left for 6 hours to see if that dilated me any further. Through the day the contractions increased and come 9pm, I was delirious with pain and screamed for an epidural. OMG best thing ever (although trying to move at all was impossible and required a team 😂) after all the pain I was still only 1cm!!! Was then placed on the hormone drip overnight and tried to rest-at this point I had gone about 24 hours with 3 hours sleep. My mum went home to sleep at this point and hubby slept on the floor next to me. Was examined at 6am on the morning of 9/2/18 and was 10cm 😱😱😱 got my mum to rush back in and she sprinted in the room as I began to push! After an hour of pushing, vomiting and insisting I couldn’t do it, my little Ava Alessandra came into the world at 8:10am in two pushes weighing 8lbs 12oz and the most beautiful little thing I’ve ever seen. It was traumatic and the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but she is worth every second 💖.

I had two second degree tears so required stitches. Unfortunately these became infected and I have been very unwell since the birth, but caught it in time and the antibiotics are doing the trick 👍🏼 I urge every lady to trust your instincts - if you don’t feel right go to your GP or hospital ASAP, infection after delivery can be very serious if left.

Here is my little beauty 😍💖