Hookup to my man??

Well this guy I've been seeing called me a few weeks ago and he was admitting he liked me and perhaps that maybe he would want me to be his girlfriend. He kept begging me to visit him, "I have my own place", etc. A few weeks later I drove and visited him for the weekend in Marietta, GA and that was a two hour drive. Things were fine, we talked a lot, drank margs, had a lot of sex, spooned a bit ,got Waffle House for breakfast, and watched South Park. There has been no indication that he is not into me. Before I left his place he gave me a big hug like he always does and said "thanks for coming up I had fun with you, drive safely." We both liked each other's personalities... and bodies, a lot. However , he hasn't contacted me since Sunday. And I was waiting to see if he would snap me or something but it still hadn't happened at this point and I snapped him today bc I think girls can make the first move too but he left me on open. And he talked about us doing things in the future like going to Athens, GA or Buckhead in Atlanta and go bar hopping or go see movies together. And he usually snaps me every other day wanting pics and I send them and I do what he requests. I don't feel used but I don't want to be naive in this situation. Do you think I made him bored bc he got every bring he wanted from me? We weren't mutually exclusive yet but I wasn't seeing anyone else but I was pretty sure he was messaging other girls but he told me he stopped doing that bc of the feelings he developed for me. I just want to know if he really wants to be with me or if he wants a sexual relationship. Like just be straight up bc I'm fine with it but don't play games. We don't see each other a lot so id understand. I wasn't looking for a relationship or expecting anything to come out of our hookups but I kinda like him so idk what to do. I don't want to look like boo boo the fool tryna contact his ass if he doesn't want to be bothered with me