6 days late and been getting BFNs then this happened today!!!!

Carolina • Baby girl due August 2019💗🌈👶🏼 Mama to Millie Valentina 7/13😭🤍

AF is six days late (which has NEVER happened to me, maybe 3 if I’ve been super stressed but never 6!) and I’ve been getting BFNs up until yesterday. I’ve been sooo confused and angry with my body. No symptoms of neither AF nor a pregnancy. Just completely symptomless. And at this point been feeling like there’s no way I could be pregnant I’m too late and still BFNs.

Anyways, today I tested with a first response and I think I might possibly be seeing a super super faint line. Is it possible? So hard to capture with iPhone camera...

I’m crying, my boyfriend is crying. We’ve tried for so many months. Had two chemical pregnancies. My heart is aching for a baby and for a BFP. Am I going crazy or is there something there? 😭❤️❤️

What could be wrong if there’s such a faint line a week after my missed period? Should I expect another chemical? I want to be happy and scream at the top of my lungs but I’m so worried something is wrong or could go wrong because it just doesn’t seem possible to have a line this faint at this point

Any kind feedback would be so appreciated ❤️❤️❤️