step children

Is anyone else's Step child super messy and disrespectful in their homes.. I really believe it's how she s raised because of how her mom's house is N the dynamics.. but dam this child has been around us for 9 years in our home dynamics ... but I gues every other weekend isn't enough to break the pig like behaviour from her mother's house.. my husband an I have our own child with another one on the way and I'm at my limits with how dirty my step child is.. she will shit an manage to smeer shit all over my toilet .. and just leave it like I'm talking it has been purposely sneered all over try dam toilet!!!! 🤢.. at the age of 11 how is this still happening.. my 6 year old is cleaner then this and has been since age 2.. or this step child will smeer shit on the walls after I guess scratching her Ass?!?! she comes to our house so dirty that I swear the last time she showered is the last time she was at our house.. she has already started her period which Greeks me out about cleanliness .. i have tried for the past 6 years to drill it in her head.. An it doesn't seem to matter.. I have has child protection services involved an a current request for maybe a phsycologist also as this pooh thing worries me.. unfortunitly the mother is the one that must proceed with the phsychatrist.. An it's also the little things that drive me bonkers.. she always manages to break stuff in our home and our other child's stuff.. I was giving the youngest a bath an when I was done I came downstairs and my stepdaughter had peanut butter and jam all over the kitchen an the jars still left out.. I'm going crazy plus hormones!! she has no respect for her mother's house either but it's the norm there so it doesn't matter, their house is the nastiest house I have ever seen.. Like a bunch of farm animals live in a small house... she has physically shit in the laundry room all over her mother's laundry.. there has to be something wrong with her at this age playing with poop I have read is a red flag..

I'm trying to seek help.. but girls I can't help but to really feel fed up with my step child.. I love her but I'm starting to hold I guess resentment? or just she's a burdon to have over cud there's always a issue.. I know it's horrible I cry about how I feel. but it's the truth. I should probably talk to someone also I don't want to start disliking my step child but it's not easy .. *******EDIT**** yes.. CPS has been called numerous of times since she was age 1.. they open then file for a year or so an close it then re open.. we are not only one who calls.. school and fellow neighbours.. CPS isn't doing Shit.. we have been to court numerous of times.. An we have been told unless u have a video of a mother doing drugs we don't like to take the children away from th mother.. our standards apperently are to high which is CRAZY .. we both work have a nice home.. why wouldn't this child get a shot at life living with us gives her a chance. rather then grow up in welfare.. .. i always wondered if courts prefer the child at moms cus we are paying for them rather then them getting more momey from goverment??it's so sad.. we pay the mother over 600 a month plus clothes (that get sold online) and all other dental and medical and god knows where that money goes.. probably tattoos.. would he nice if food was purchased more often... both the Dad and myself are at the end.. we have been fighting for this child for 9 years we are giving up hope.. trying to concentrate on our own children.. maybe not the right thing to do but I can't keep putting my energy in my step child.. it's making us miserable and we are missing out on the great kids we have together.. polite.. carrying and kind 💗