Evap line?

Hey everyone, this is a bit of a long story. My cycle is pretty messed up because two cycles ago, towards the end when it say, the last day of my period, I had unprotected sex (stupid of me I know). I took the pill a day after and then 4 days later I bled again, much like a period (it lasted four - five days). After that period I had more sex and used the pullout method which is not reliable at all but it was used. It’s now being around 29 days since the first day of that second period and I’ve taken three dip and read pregnancy tests. The first two seemed to be negative and this last one I kept a little longer than the rest. I kept it way after the 10 min mark that it recommends in the instructions (after 10 minutes of a negative result, discard any further changes), and after looking at it a bit later I thought I saw a very faint faint line. I don’t know if I’m over thinking or there really is a line but I read up on evap lines that can occur on any pregnancy test. Having a child is beautiful but at this moment I’m not ready. Which, I know, is stupid of me to say seeing as though I did put myself in this situation. Sorry if this doesn’t make sense.