UPDATE orgasm caused bleeding at 10 weeks 3 days


I had no penetration, but had an orgasm and after that I went to the washroom and I was bleeding. Not spotting, BLEEDING. I am freaking out. Anyone had the same thing? can an orgasm cause a miscarriage? .......................... .......... .......... .......... .......... UPDATE :Doctor said that my hcg levels were where he wanted them to be (80,000). So he said not to worry. I had to beg for an ultrasound while crying. I couldn't stop ceying unless I saw my baby. After all yhe sobbing he finally decided to get the ultrasound machine and found out that my little baby is healthy kicking and punching around and heart beat is perfect. It is such a relief. He also said that bleeding can sometimes be normal, as long as there are no clots and doesnt last for days