Clit hunt


This is so embarrassing for me to admit but I have no clue how to find my clit. I've never been able to get off using my fingers and I maybe cum 3-4 in a year. I love sex with husband but it bums us both out when I can't cum. I know the location of it and what it looks like thanks to biology class in school and Google but mine must be really good at hiding because I can never seem to find the little fucker. I told this to my husband last night after sex and he was just as clueless as me. I showed him a diagram of what it looks like and where it's supposed to be(he was a virgin when we met). He said that he's found my hood and pushed the skin back but there was no clit. It's also hard for me to get turned on, would that explain the lack of a clit or is mine really small? Any tips or advice? I feel like a sexual retard.