Help! Do I need to call my doctor?

I’m 37 weeks pregnant and for the past few days I’ve been feeling pretty nauseous and have had diarrhea not to mention some sharp pains whether they are in my stomach, back, or abdominal area. Well last night I felt very sick and threw up and shortly after I was having some severe pains and the shakes. I went to bed with the same pain happening and woke up today feeling even worse. My husband is on the verge of losing his job and his stress levels are through the roof. This morning we got into an argument because I felt like I needed him to stay home because we have a dog that’s not potty trained and I wasn’t feeling well enough to walk up 3 flights of stairs each time I had to take him out and to watch him constantly. Well he blew up and things got out of hand, I’m crying my face off cause I’m having pains and not feeling good and he’s stressed and saying things he doesn’t mean. Long story short I’m still having sharp pains, I’m still sick and throwing up, and now I have a raging headache. I’m not leaking any fluid but I’m so stressed out right now I have no idea what to do. Do I call my doctor? Or just suffer through it. If you’ve gone into labor early around this time I could use some guidance.