Struggling to get calories

On average I eat less than 1000 calories. I have always been like this my entire life. I don’t lose a lot of weight (I’m 157 now at 17 weeks pregnant) was 150 before. I am never hungry, I usually have to push myself just to eat dinner.

I think I’ve been like this since I was 10 or so. I eat fruits and veggies, lots of water, take my prenatals too. It’s the protein I have a problem with. Ever since becoming pregnant, I don’t like meat. Which is a big problem considering most other foods that have protein make me extremely sick even before pregnancy.

My daily diet is usually


Bowl of fruit for breakfast

Bowl of veggies for snack

Dinner (usually something quick as we don’t have an oven for another month. So usually spaghetti, Mac and cheese, stir fry, fajitas, etc.) things like that.

I’m just never hungry. My doctor isn’t worried as this is my 3rd pregnancy, weight gain is good and baby is healthy. Bp is prefect, as are all my blood levels and stuff.

Any advice? I guess the problem is that I’m a very picky eater. Hate anything with any type of nuts, salads, seafood, most meats, eggs, peanut butter, yogurts.. 😩😩😩