Help quick!

So I’m only just thinking about this otherwise I would have called my doctor earlier but I will tomorrow for sure

So I have HG. And I’m 9 weeks. From 5 weeks up until now really I’ve been stuck in bed for most of the days just from being so ill.

Now yesterday I managed to go on a walk, even the store for a quick few things with my husband.

Well today I noticed my right calf on the back side is sore! When I walk, or stretch it, or flex it. I can faintly feel some soreness when relaxed. I googled and now I’m terrified I have a deep vein blood clot that can be fatal! I can’t tell if my calf is swollen so I guess that means it isn’t. But I wasn’t sure if I would be fine to wait till the morning to call or if I should call the triage and ask or what? Usually triage always tells you to just go in. But I’ve been to the hospital 4 times for dehydration and I am terrified of those bills so I’d rather not go if it isn’t immediately necessary