Baby hates my boob 😒

C 🖤

My LO was EBF up until he was 3 months old, then we started introducing a bottle (expressed and formula), and now he’s been fully formula fed for about 5 weeks as I was having some problems that affected my breastfeeding and expressing. The issue is done with now and I’m desperate to start breastfeeding again. I just put baby to my boob for the first time in probably 6 weeks and he HATED it. I still produce milk (albeit a tiny amount) so I was planning on nursing baby for five minutes at a time to increase my supply and eventually work back up to combination feeding. He latched on ok but then made a choking sound/face and then screamed when I put him back on.

Any tips? Should I not get my hopes up or does he just need to get used to the breast again?