

today is my day to be annoying lmao! sorry if I post a lot...i think it just hit me that j am 4 days overdue lmao! anyway, this past Tuesday I was in the hospital for 5-1-1 contractions that hurt like heelllll. despite this, I wasn't dilating, so they just called it early labor. Bub wasn't engaged, I am 60% effaced and a finger tip dilated (have been for 3 weeks). well yesterday it was like a switch flipped. I used to struggle moving at all and now I can suddenly walk, roll over, lift things, really everything with either no pain or barely any. his movements have decreased a ton but I still get movement and now my belly looks...smaller? below are two photos. one taken at 39 weeks and the other taken today. does it look smaller or am I just so desperate to see signs that I am imagining things?