Weird period and TTC

Chelsea • 26 years old | Married 10.10.15 | TTC #1

So first a little background on me.. I’m 26 years old. I have PCOS. My period has never been regular but my normal seems to be every 3 months, sometimes a little longer. We have been TTC for almost 2 years. I try to pay attention to changes in discharge/cervical mucus to have an idea of where I’m at in my cycle. I believe I ovulated Feb 13 but could have been as late as Feb 16... somewhere in that window, honestly coils have been later, too. My period came (I thought) on Feb 28. It has been extremely light and seems to have maybe ended today (it’s been so light I really can’t tell if it’s done or what)

NORMALLY my period is light the first day, heavy (VERY Heavy) days 2-3 or 4, then moderate through day 7 when it usually ends. So having this light of a period for this long is odd to me.

I started a new diet on Feb 28 where I have been eating lots of protein, no carbs, clean foods, etc.. could this be contributing to my extremely light cycle??