Peak OPK Test

Alison • My name is Alison and I`ve been TTC since January 2016. My husband and I are trying to start a family!

Finally after about a week and a half of flashing smiley faces today I finally got my peak. Today is cycle day 22 and we baby danced earlier today and will dance again tomorrow. Had clear stretchy CM today and have felt twinges in my right side after baby dancing. Hoping that’s a good sign. I’ve also had sore boobs, lower back pain. Should I test again tomorrow or should I stop? This was my last test strip and they are so costly! Lol My fingers are crossed.

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When you hit your peak the test will not allow you to test again for 48 hours. The smily will stay on the test. Baby dust to you.


Erin • Mar 4, 2018
Right!! 😁


Alison • Mar 4, 2018
That’s good cause those Clearblue tests are pricey! Lol


Posted at
I just had the same thing. Smiley face stayed for 2 days. Then I took another test and it was just a circle. Just like when I started. Crossing fingers for you and for me


Alison • Mar 4, 2018
I’m never good at figuring out ovulation. I always assumed if you get your peak that ovulation happens right after.


Posted at
Baby dust to you. Just got my smiley face today. Planning to baby dance in a few hours. Do we just bd one time or multiple throughout the day?


Alison • Mar 4, 2018
I BD yesterday and will continue to BD today and tomorrow. I’ve heard people say every other day