Breastfeeding struggle

Megan • Trying for our third! First baby a miscarriage, chemical then rainbow. Second baby 9 months of trying 4 with clomid. Hoping for a quick easy pregnancy for #3
So I went from my milk not coming in for almost a week and having to pump and make up the difference in with formula for my lo because he lost 10% of his weight to 135oz in the freezer!! 
Everyday is a struggle! My lo has had a tongue tie that we had repaired and struggles at the breast. I never know if he is going to eat that day or if he will need a bottle so I pump every morning and keep it in the fridge invade we need it that day! 
I go back to work in 2 weeks so I am hoping I can keep this up until at least 6 months but my goal is a year!!