Helping your older child

Hello wonderful mommies! I'm looking for some advice. Here's our story in May of 2014 on the 28th we were sent to the hospital and found out that we lost our daughter within 24 hours I found out gave birth and walked out of the hospital to the funeral home to plan for our sweet baby we lost . All along we also have a son who was 6 at the time. We have explained to our son what happened to the best of our abilities but of course we all still struggle with what happened. Him so much so that he still randomly burst out in tears just like I do and he always misses his sissy . we have gotten him a journal for him to write his thoughts to his sister in but we have not settled on a book or anything else that could help him get through this hard time. Do any of you wonderful mommies know of good books or anything else that could help us help him? we are now expecting again and he is just as scared as we are that something will happen to this new baby that will be here right before Halloween. I would like something just to help me help him more so if you know of anything or maybe what you have done previously in a situation similar to ours. I would love some advice here. Thank you! !