Abdominal ultrasound


Hi ladies. I think Im driving myself crazy for no reason. I’m 5w5d. I had a miscarriage last September, so am nervous this time, hoping everything is going well 🙏🏻 my doctor get so my first transvaginal ultrasound for a couple weeks. To hope ease some anxiety, I had an abdominal ultrasound done yesterday at a private office (not doctor). The baby is developing in the right place, we saw the gestational sac and what looked to be the yolk sac. However she felt I earlier, more like 4-5, although I know when I ovulated. I felt better at the same seeing that the baby is in the right spot, but am now worried if the baby won’t keep developing or isn’t.

I know abdominal ultrasounds aren’t as accurate as transvaginal at this stage. I’m thinking I’m worrying myself unnecessarily. Does anyone have experience with early abdominal ultrasounds? Thank you!!🙏🏻