Abortion and animal right

So honestly I know most people are going to hate me for this but I'm almost entirely sure that no one ever thinks about this when they say abortion is murder.  Even though people say that abortion is murder and that its wrong. no matter for what reason they give when they debate this, they never stop to think that most people on this earth have murdered. I know I know you people think I'm crazy. But seriously we kill all these animals and their young so that we can eat. I know people are going to say "but we need to eat that's why we kill them" and yes that is true we do need to eat. Though there are more than just animals we can eat. We just don't because well "meat just taste better." Guys I'm not a vegetarian I love meat myself. I know you're probably thinking what does this have to do with abortion. Well I'm just so tired of people calling other people murderers when we all murder. Just because those animals aren't like us don't mean they cannot feel pain. I do not take a stance on the pro life pro choice debate but I must say if you are saying that it's wrong to use birth control of any kind because that's what your religion teaches you, well I've got some news for you! Condoms and pulling out are also a form of birth control and so is tracking your cycle. So unless you are having sex all natural with ought pulling out you are indeed using a form of birth control which apparently is "wrong." In conclusion I hope that not everyone will get too offended by this but honestly I couldn't care less.   If you have any questions for me or any harsh things you want to say feel free to comment and have a great day everyone.