Dream that made me feel so much emotion


I feel like this dream changed my life. It was the most vivid lifelike dream I even had. I was at my best friend's house and I started have having an allergic reaction and my throat was closing up. We run upstairs to get his mom and she agrees to take me to the hospital. All of a sudden they disappear and I can't find them anywhere. I assume I died but I am still in the house. My mom calls out to me from the kitchen "Kaitlyn I'm making you dinner" I then run to hug her. Everything is so vivid I can even smell her perfume. We then walk outside and my dad pulls up to the house and I hug him. All of a sudden all of the friends from my past appear at the house and line up one by to hug me and wish me goodbye. They sky is so beautiful blue and there were big white clouds. Really catchy nostalgic music was playing in the background. Someone even brought be a chicken tender from one of my favorite restaurants so I could taste it one last time before I left for wherever I was going. I experienced each sense and it all felt so real that I cried myself awake. When I woke up I felt such a flood of emotions. Has anyone else experienced a dream like this? I think I had this dream, because I almost got into a bad car accident yesterday, but other than that I wonder what it means.