ok so kind of crazy dream, help plz?

so i had a dream last night that was a bit... weird. usually I'm good at self-psychoanalysis when it comes to strange dreams. but i haven't been able to put my finger on this one. ok, well, here we go. so in my dream, there was a sort of zombie apocalypse and infected people had their hands and feet turn inky black as well as their eyes, the infected people then had an insatiable urge to kill and feast on humans, yadda yadda same old infected tropes. the part that stood out to me first was the way the infected looked, not like normal zombies but with black inky skin that faded to a deathly grey in their torso.so... creepy. ok so i had a band of survivors that i was living with, it was me, a man and a woman i didn't know and a child. i dont remember how, but at some point we ran into 2 infecteds, one an older, army vet kinda looking toigh grandpa guy and the other a young, very fit, very ripped dude who was attractive to my dream brain despite being a cannibal. fast forward, somehow we made a truce with these two in that they agreed to help us and not eat us (i dont remember how it happened) and one day before we were supposed to do some really dangerous medicine run or sonething me and the young infected ended up in a room together. alone. this is where it starts to seem like some cheesy horror-romance movie. i don't remember if whords where exchanged but i do remember him pushing me up against a wall and instigating a very aggressive make out session (had my hands pinned above my head, big height difference btw, one hand in my hair, the works you get it 😶)with some R. rated content that I wont get into. the image zooms out and this dude has freaking black angel wing tattoos that span the length of his back, from his shoulders to his hips. after that i woke up. the most I've been able to come up with is maybe i desire a dangerous or risky relationship??? idk 🤷‍♀️ help