Why did u get married/stay with ur partner?

Admittedly NONE of the reasons I’m with my husband are bc of love!

I agreed to date him bc he made himself look like the most mature and capable of actually providing for a family and better life.

At first I fell for it.. but later dumped him when I realized he was a cold, lying manipulator.. but it was to late we were already pregnant so I agreed to marry him in hopes of giving our kid the best chance to thrive, be happy and have a normal home life.. something both my husband and I didn’t have growing up.

It seems to be working out but I always have an empty lonely feeling knowing we don’t love each other... we care for one another’s wellbeing but it’s definitely no where near that fairytale love..

Luckily we love our children more than anything in the world even though we do struggle to provide everything we wish we could for them

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