Any single moms/mom-to-be out there!

I was with my ex for a few months before we found out we were pregnant. We had both talked about it and decided to start trying as i didn’t know how long it would take to get pregnant. I found out Feb 4 and after a few weeks he decided to leave, go back to his ex. After 10 days he came back... apologizing not just to me but my family as he said he had made a horrible mistake and wasn’t leaving.

Last week he attempted to overdose and then after staying with him in the hospital the next day decided to leave again. He has since been in treatment and told me if I need to reach out to him I can talk to his parents.

Neither of us are “young” both in our 20’s, I’m 27 a few years older than him. Any moms out there have something like this? Probably not as crazy!

I’m so blessed to have the support of my family and friends but it sucks when we talked about having a baby and now he is gone.