early labor at 38 weeks


At my last doctor's appointment on Thursday I had my cervix checked and I was 1cm dialated. Last night i was having contractions every 3 and a half minutes for 2 hours so I went to the hospital. They put me on a monitor and checked my cervix again and I was 3cm dialated. They kept me for 2 hours to see if I'd progress. By then my contractions were 3 to 4 minutes apart those 2 hours. When I got checked again the doctor said I went up to about 4cm but she was going to send me home IN ACTIVE LABOR to process because she thought id be at least 5cm or 6cm by then and since I'm not 39 weeks yet they can't give me pitocin or pop my water to jump start my labor if my contractions were to slow down..so I was sent home at 5:30am still contracting. when I got home I decided to try to rest just in case I had to go back in. But they did in fact slow down enough for me to get a good 8 hours of sleep. I've been feeling cramps ever since I got up but I've decided to get up and try to finish packing my bags for the hospital and clean up to help start my labor back up. It's currently 5:33pm and after cleaning my room and putting away some laundry I'm feeling alittle more crampy but not much. so I'm probably gonna get up to clean some more and maybe try to do the business with my fiance..hopfully that helps me start to contract enough to go back in. The doctor told me I probably wouldn't make it to my next doctor's appointment next thursday. And that at most likely be back within the next 3 days. wish me luck guys. I'm so ready for her to come. And if anyone had any other suggestions to help jump start labor that'd be great plus I got a 1 year old and a 4 year old running around so it's not like I can go on any long walks. I can maybe take the dog out to use the bathroom but other than that I don't see myself going anywhere other than the hospital. lol but has anyone else experienced this and how long did it take for you to go back into labor?