Home Birth story of Indigo Rose 22/2/18 (Australia)

Kristen • Aussie mum of 2 boys 💙💙, preg with #3 🎀and due in Feb 24th 2018, following a MC.

Finally, here’s our birth story.

Birth story:

Through my entire pregnancy I noticed I’d always catch the time at 22:22. It became a joke with my husband. Surely it meant something significant. As baby’s due date grew closer I became intrigued if her arrival would happen on the 22nd of the 2nd, with 2 days before her EDD. We had an inkling.

I woke at 2:45am on the 22nd of Feb with light but regular contractions. They were coming consistently but I didn’t time them. I sensed this was it. I waited in anticipation for my waters to release, as they had with my previous two births, early in the morning. They didn’t. I called my midwife just after 3am, thinking things would progress quite quickly. After having many dreams throughout pregnancy about no-one making the birth, I was worried they wouldn’t make it in time. Turned out they were attending another local birth and reassured me they would come when needed, and sent me to bed to get some rest. Hubby slept while I slept between contractions. I woke properly at 6am in excitement. We got up and told the kids they could stay home from school as their sister was coming today! I updated the Midwives and informed my photographer and a friend who was attending the birth too.

Around 10am I was having contractions 2-3min apart and was needing to breathe through them. The Midwives were on their way.

Everyone had arrived and began to make themselves comfortable in the space while I gently laboured in the lounge. I moved about the house slowly as I enjoyed the company of my amazing birth team and snacked on some tempting jelly babies (big mistake as they made me feel nauseated later). They loved, encouraged, supported and informed me throughout. After what felt like an hour of chatting between surges with my birth team I began feeling like I needed space. I took myself to the bathroom and decided to lay on my side in bed, where I felt most comfortable to breathe through each surge. The birth ball or being on all fours didn’t help like I thought. My husband started to fill the pool. I was confused that my waters hadn’t yet released and had to let go of expectations of a 2 or 3hr birth! I was left to labour peacefully in bed while my husband, midwife and friend came quietly to check in sporadically. I was coping well but remember having doubt in myself anticipating when things were to progress and get stronger.

Around 2pm I felt the change. I needed to groan. Timing just three contractions they were 1min long and still 2min apart. I thought it was going to take many more hours until we met our babe and, for a moment that we were wrong about her 22/2 arrival. I wondered if my birth team would stay overnight! I opened my eyes between a deep surge which had me groaning like a wild animal. My midwife was there smiling and encouraged me to enter the pool when I felt I needed to. Following a couple of contractions where I felt the urge to push I decided it was time to move. “Let’s do this little one” I said to my baby as I got up to move to my birthing space. I went to the toilet, needing hubby’s support during surges. I wrapped my arms around his neck and swayed. We enjoyed the connection. I was blissfully unaware of so many people around me as I got into the pool. The warm water was soothing and comfortable but the pressure was intensified by the upright change. Ok, it was pain too, and I wondered if I could make it to Hospital for some gas. What was I doing? How much longer could I cope with?

I was reassured by my wonderful birth team that I was doing great. I was still managing some chatter between contractions, still about 2min apart. I wondered why progression was so slow!

Half hour later I heard my midwife quietly encourage my husband to get into the water very soon. I looked up at her in shock and asked why. She said baby was coming very soon and explained the line that showed on the buttocks as I dilated. I didn’t believe her, but with coaching I felt baby’s head a finger length away from emerging. What?!

Our boys were asked if they would like to join us in the lounge, to watch the birth of their sister. Our eldest came pool side to have a look at was going on but decided he didn’t want to see any more. Our youngest was a little worried about my groaning and decided not to come close, but stayed within my view from the play room and occasionally glanced over.

I was comfortable leaning over the side of the pool with my husband behind me, his excitement increasing. My groans were getting louder. The pain increased in my pelvis and at one stage I’d lost focus during a surge. I let out some loud instinctive noises as I squeezed the hands of my midwife and friend. I felt hubby’s hand on my back for support. My waters released, resulting in an intense increase in pain. She was moving down so fast. My midwife asked me to slow her down with my breath. I couldn’t. “No no no!” I said as I had no control over my baby’s decent. It was so fast. Involuntary tears streamed down my cheeks. I felt the burn, and other pain I can only describe as opening. Her head emerged in one surge and her body followed very quickly with such amazing pressure and speed. Hubby caught her, and it took me a few moments to gather myself and turn to meet her. I was shocked.

Indigo Rose was born at 3:26pm on the 22nd of Feb! She was calm and quiet and made some noises to clear her lungs. She enjoyed being on my chest and floating in the water as I delivered the placenta. She knew what to do all along. She has brought us all closer as a family. We are all grateful for the opportunity to have a supported home birth after two Hospital births, one being traumatic. My home birth wasn’t easy or candy coated, but it was the most incredible and empowering experience I’ve ever had, and I feel so connected to myself and my family because of it.

Now just over 2 weeks old

We are in love! 😍