Anyone else having a rough Mom day?

Caitlin • Mama x3 💕 Expecting our 🌈 07/2022

I just need to vent. Today has been so hard. I am 23 weeks along. My son will be 2 in a few weeks. He woke up at 5:30 today. I was exhausted because I didn’t sleep well. I cant eat anything bc of heartburn. Feeing like shit because I can't eat. Trying to pack for a big Europe trip that we leave for on Thursday. Moving like a zombie though groceries. Having my son yell Mama for 15 minutes straight at me on the car ride home. Getting home and running into the bathroom to dry heave bc I am now overly hungry. Letting my son watch way too much TV because I am barely functioning. My husband is my rock and doing his best to help, but he is also in his final months of his MBA so he is barely functioning too. PLUS I just puked my brains out since I ran out of my morning sickness meds. Ugh. I just had to let it off my chest. Any other mamas having a rough Mom day?