Anyone in the Medical Field Help! They almost aborted my baby!

I’m 9 weeks pregnant. I had an ultrasound at 6weeks, 3days. Baby had a heart beat of 89. This was all normal but they sent me back for another ultrasound 2 weeks later.

At my last ultrasound, the tech just asked me to get dressed and said she’d be back. Didn’t show me anything. She said she spoke with the OB on call and he was concerned with the images so they called my OB and he wanted to see me first thing in the morning.

After the longest 15 hour wait, I saw my OB who said the baby had no heart beat based on what the tech and the OB on call saw. He explained my options for removing the dead fetus. I was scheduling a D & C when I suddenly felt the need to ask to see an ultrasound for myself before doing the procedure. My OB agreed and to our surprise, the baby is still ALIVE! He said it’s got a weak heart beat but it’s still there!

Today, I spent a few hours at the hospital because I was bleeding. The fetus is still alive but they told me, after more testing, that it was only measuring at 6w3d (same as first ultrasound) and 56bmp heart beat.

I was told this could turn around but I can’t see how a baby that hasn’t grown in 3 weeks can come back from this especially wth such a weak heart. What is your opinion? If it does survive, won’t it be developmentally delayed? Thank you for your help! It’s so depressing :(