Because this is my third pregnancy and I was having such a rough time with my hips hurting me my doc...

Because this is my third pregnancy and I was having such a rough time with my hips hurting me my doc and I decided to induce a few days before my due date.  I went home and did a few loads of laundry and ended up going into labor all by myself!  My husband and I came into the hospital at the scheduled time with contractions beginning to hurt.  Because it was a scheduled induction for 8pm and I had only dilated four cm, the nurse offered me an oral medication to help soften my cervix by morning.  Well my water broke an hour later and I started having real contractions.  They weren't horrible but we all thought it would take a few hours so I opted for the epidural in order to get some sleep.  Once again things went faster than we thought and I was crowning by 4am.  The doc came in and we pushed for 20 min1 to have beautiful baby girl Shelby a!