One day at a time


Feb 23rd is when I was told

My hormone levels were dropping and my world just crumbled. I officially miscarried on the 27th and have been going through all the stages of grief and hormones all over and everything. Today is the first day in over 2 weeks that from waking up to probably 7:30pm that I didn’t think about it. I just spent the day with my hubby at home and played video games and just had fun and got my mind off it. I had gone to work all week after taking the week before off and that has helped as well but I have my on and off moments even there. I know it will get easier and I know there will be days that will be hard, but I know God is by my side and this too shall pass but I won’t ever forget. I was 10 weeks and 4 days when I got the news but baby was only measuring 5 weeks 6 days.