Need advice🛑no one answered last time

I’ve liked the same guy for 2 years. Does he like me??? We hang out a lot but when we do it’s both our families and another family. They boy I lije usually hangs out with the other boy from the other family and I also stay with’s a few things I have noticed

- he stares and me and then looks away or smiles

- when I ask a question he keeps asking questions and keeps the conversation going

- he’s often playful, around Fourth of July he was trying to scare me with pours and then smiles at me, then he makes other jokes

- shows off his muscles really often and talks about the gym

- when I laughed he also laughed and smiles at me and repeated what made me laugh

- sings and dancing and looks for my reaction

Do you guys think he likes me??? He’s 3 years older than me, is that a lot?? Any advice?