

So, I've always had pretty heavy periods, but I was on birth control for a few years and that helped. A few months ago (October 2017), I was having extreme pain on my right side and was told I have ovarian cysts on both sides. Since then I've been following up with my gyno for monthly ultrasounds. I had pain with sex (which I never get with my current boyfriend), and he was the one who told me about endometriosis based on a commercial he saw, speakendo. I went on their website and started researching, and discovered that my symptoms match up, and I've actually been suffering with a lot of these symptoms for a few years (bloating, bleeding in between periods, lower back and stomach pain, heavy and painful periods). So I went to my doctor a few days later and asked about it. I listed off my symptoms and she said that's what it sounded like, but put me on birth control to try managing it before scheduling a laparoscopy. I've currently been on the bc for about 2 months, my period is a week early (again), and I had to leave work early because I'm in so much pain and nauseous. My next appointment is in June and I'm trying to give the bc time to help, but it's been really f***ing hard!!