loser mother in law

My mil has ZERO friends. Fil tried to introduce her to his friends wives but she started some drama and talks crap about them all the time so we just accepted the fact that shes not meant to have any friends. My mom tried to be her friend but she ended up doing the same thing to my mom and yelling at my mom when my son was born to back off since my son is her grandson only due to the fact that he shares her last name. When I told my husband what she said, she lied about it. My husband is her best friend. She calls him 3-4 times a day about the fights she has with my fil, her dog, her health etc.. Sometimes I think she thinks he's her 2nd husband. She asks him to undo her bra for her or zip up her dress.. she even asks him to chart her depression meds so he can give it to her on time. Shes needy as f@#%. My in laws moved overseas due to fils work but because of her, they visit every 3-4 months for ten LONG days. She tags along everywhere.. I just had our 2nd baby.. a girl..shes always wanted a daughter and once in awhile shell say things to her like.. 'I cant wait for you to grow up so we can go shopping or on vacation just the two of us without your mom'.."Cant wait to get matching outfits" or " I hope you look like me when you grow up" (shes soooooo ugly inside and out ). Shes driving me crazy but my husband wont do anything about it. He says shes just lonely and i should sympathize.. I ABSOLUTELY DETEST HER.