Don't know what to do anymore..

First off heres a little background on mine and my husband's relationship: been together 5 years married for 2 1/2. We have 1 child together. I've always been the romantic one and he has always acted like he didn't give a crap about our relationship or me.. I know relationships are not about gifts but in the 5years we've been together he's bought me 3 gifts and I literally had to pick them out myself.. our 1st wedding anniversary I got him a jersey from his fav team, tickets to one of their games, I did a lingerie photo shoot and made book for him. he literally got me nothing at all and sold the damn tickets and has never once opened the book since that day and has worn the jersey once. I also never got a wedding ring. Anyway moving on to more serious matters I miscarried on my birthday(Aug) last year and in Oct I had another one. He was working out of state and wasn't really there for me physically, emotionally or mentally at all. So Christmas rolls around and he tells me that he's going to get me a ring because he claims to have wanted to get me one for a while but it just hasn't worked out. Dec 24th Im being Santa and I begged him to help me put the presents out and he refused and laid in the bed playing on his phone. On Christmas morn he got 4 gifts from me and I recieved nothing. So much for that ring, huh? Well on Dec 27th I was sending pics from his phone to mine that he had taken of our child on Christmas and saw an email that was still open on his phone. it was from some woman and it said "I'll be back tomorrow at midnight" and I thought why is he telling some girl when he'll be back in the state he was working in. So I flat out asked him who is she and he finally confessed he had been seeing her while he was working up there. He showed me everything they said to each other and it was disgusting and it broke my heart in a thousand pieces. I forgave him and told him if was going to stay then he needed to give me a reason and treat me better and make me feel special and wanted and show me he was truly sorry for what he did. well here it is almost 2 1/2 months later and I have completely fallen out of love with him. he acted differently and treated me so much better for like 2 weeks and now he's back to being an uninvolved asshole. And I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm scared to leave because I dont want to ruin my child's life because they love their dad and I just don't know how they'll take it. I'm also worried that I won't find anyone to treat me the way I need and want to be treated. So that maybe I just stay where I'm comfortable already and don't make everything complicated. Sorry this is so long but if you could please give any words of encouragement or advice it would be greatly appreciated. thanks for reading!🙂