First pregnany ended a miscarriage 👼💔

Bianca • 👶Mommy to an angel baby👼🌈 ttc baby #1

Feeling lost, I lost my baby at 7 weeks it's been a month since then it was my first pregnany me and my fiance have been ttc for a year. He and I were so excited we couldn't wait to be parents it's the happiest I ever been in my life it felt like my life was coming together our family was going to be complete in just a few short months, but that was all taken away from me I started bleeding at 6 weeks, and never stopped bleeding I knew something wasn't right so I went to the hospital told me everything looked fine, but a week went by bleeding hadn't stopped so I went back to the hospital did a u.s. didn't see our baby my eyes just filled with tears, was told I'm having a miscarriage and my body should just handle losing the baby. My fiance and were I were devastated, he's been there for me he just tries to make me feel better and I do for a bit but then I just start thinking our baby and me being pregnant and get sad all over again, there really isn't a time I don't think about our baby it's the hardest thing I ever experienced in life.. I really don't like expressing how I feel alot but hopefully telling people will make things will feel better.. Sorry for a long post