Need answers


I had my period February 5, 2018. My period last 5 days always with a 30 day cycle. My fertile window were through Feb 15-23 but not for sure when I ovulated but I had unprotected sex during this time. I start having pregnancy symptoms and still are right now which made me curious cause I never felt like this or had brown spotting before. March 1st through March 4th I had brown/light pink spotting rarely there. March 2nd and 3rd I took a pregnancy test it was negative then on March 6 took two more they both were negative. March 7th I was suppose to start my period but I didn’t see anything but brown/light pink on the tissue once again rarely there. I just took this test 5mins ago and it’s like I see a second line but it’s very faint. Is it a BFN or should I test again? I would love for your feedback👍