On couch arrest

Jen • Mom to one very cute little boy conceived with the help of Glow! Avoiding baby #2 for a few years
So the night of my u/s I woke up at about 3am to peeand had a good amount of red blood! Not enough to get on my underwear but a lot on the tissue and kept coming when I wiped. It gradually tapered off... Of course I couldn't fall asleep and by the time the Dr was in the office to call it was barely there light brown. He told me the heat and getting to the Dr office and standing on the train to get there plus the U/s probably caused it and stay on the sofa no chores no walking the dog nothing for the weekend. Then sun am I woke up went pee this time didn't wake in the night and had brown discharge. It lasted a few hours in the morning and then was gone. This morning wake up again and same. Now it's afternoon and it's gone. It's driving me nuts and I'm terrified this is signs of a MC Dr told me to stay on sofa and monitor one more day as its a lot for me to get into the city to his office and doesn't want me to make the trip and cause more harm. I had a horrid lower backach this afternoon that's is seeming to get a tad better. No cramps except mild bloaty feeling ones. I keep trying to tell myself that once you see heartbeat and healthy been the chances of MC drop to 10% or lower.