Dad keeps bringing up my past / verbal abuse

Assalamu 3alaykum,

my dad makes me really sad. I’m a revert and my dad isn’t ok with that. He is from the Christian minority of a Muslim country and he hates Islam so much. I’ve had a really shameful past before converting to Islam. I drank alcohol, took drugs and committed zina with some guys. These guys were „Muslims“ (the kind of people who commit all kind of sins, and are even proud to do so, especially proud to commit zina). I’m just mentioning that they were „Muslims“ because of what I have to mention later. So because my dad is from a Muslim country he thinks he knows Islam really well (which isn’t true) and because the people in his country pretend to be Muslim but aren’t practising at all he thinks that all Muslim men can commit all kind of sins including zina and only care about getting a pure virgin wife later. And he thinks that all the women who committed zina are the worst rubbish to all Muslims. So when we sometimes argue because he’s angry about me practising Islam, observing my hijab etc. he says some really hurtful things. He says that Muslims made me dirty in the past (he says that because I committed zina) and that every Muslim will hate me and nobody will accept me. I live in another country now and he told me „you may think you can hide your history there but all people will find out.“ he also told me that if i marry a Muslim man he will tell him all what I did. I can’t even find the words to describe how much it’s hurting me. I’ve blocked him now and I don’t want any contact to him anymore because I’m so so hurt. I was really young when I did all this bad things, I was only 13 years old and when I think back I realise that I didn’t really know what I was doing. It just hurts to think back. I know that Islam erases all sins but I don’t wanna be reminded of what I did anyway. My dad was never ok how I was behaving in my bad time because his culture is pretty conservative even though he is a Christian. I had psychological problems when I was 13 I was even in a mental hospital and tried to commit suicide. (I almost died but Alhamdulillah Allah saved me) I’m married now, and my husband knows that I’m not Virgin but I didn’t mention any details. Like I didn’t tell him how many men exactly etc. (Please ensure me that I don’t have to tell him that) :( my dad doesn’t know that I’m married I want to wait to tell him until he accepts the other things. To his family it’s a big shame when a girl marries a Muslim man. I just can’t tell him at the moment. May Allah make it easy. I want to ask if it’s ok to break up the contact to my dad? I know parents are really important in Islam but his word are so hurting and I feel he’s humiliating me.